Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Eat Out! (Literally)

Hello, readers! Today, we shall embark on a very strange incident that has recently occur in Chow Xin's life ...

For the first time in history, I ate two meals outside the house when I'm not on holiday!

You see, my house is under a major filter repair. The drains have been stripped of their covers and a repair man came for a visit today.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, my sisters and I chewed our lunch and dinner away at Ming Tien Food Court and Kelana Jaya Mall respectively.

Do you know what my dad calls Ming Tien Food Court? Fifty restaurants in one! He always tries to drag us there at EVERY occasion. It's so humorous the way how he phrases it.

"Why do you want to go to one restaurant, when you could go to fifty?" he says.

Then we would answer, "It's not the FOOD, it's the PLACE!"

So funny!

Come on, let's close the blog with a laugh:


Ha ha. That was very funny.

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