Monday, December 22, 2008

Alien Meets Man during Christmas

An alien came to visit Earth. He met a human strolling at the site where his spaceship landed. The man was stunned to see a Martian climb out of his saucer-like transport.

"Good day," the alien beeped in a monotonous manner. "Fear not, for I come in peace."

The man squinted. "Those words you say ... they remind me of something I read in this ... book."

"The Bible?"

"Yes, that was the title." He paused. "So, what have you come for?"

"As a matter of fact, you have well brought me into the subject. I have hailed from Mars to study this celebration you Earthlings are rejoicing over - Christmas. This celebration has my fellow Martians asking questions." The alien drew out a space notebook and a space pen. "Could you, my dear friend, help me answer these questions regarding Christmas?"

"Yes, of course," the man replied confidently.

"Now, first of all, why do Earthlings celebrate Christmas?"

"Err ... for fun?" the man thought. "No big reason - it's just a time for people to get around, have some fun, receive presents, drink beer ... it's all for a good time."

The alien was surprised. "Back home, someone told me that it was his birthday celebration. I was told that you guys had kicked him right out of his own party!"

"Oh, really? What's your friend's name?"

"Christ was his last name. I only remember his first started with J." He sighed. "OK, why is Christmas special to you?"

"Well ... like I said, we just have fun and presents ... Thinking about it, it's not in the least very special at all. It's just party time."

The alien was shocked. "My J friend told me that he was the one who made Christmas special. He said that if only you guys would think of him more often, Christmas would mean a lot much more." He simply scribbled down some notes. "OK, last question, I have to be going now." He made his way towards his spaceship. "What did you guys do to a God-man named Jesus who was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago?"

The man didn't know what to say. "Now, I just know what it was ... I've heard this somewhere before ..."

"Did you give him your best gold and silver?" the alien was firing up the engine.

"No. I think, we gave him our leftover straw."

"Did you give him a lovely palace to live in on Earth?"

"No, we gave him this lowly little stable. When he grew up, he had no home at all!"

"Did you guys bow down and worship him?" The spaceship was lifting into the air.

"No." Then, just as the spaceship zoomed out into space, the alien heard the man say:



Come on, readers, laugh it out! This Christmas, let the man in the joke stop playing out his role in you. Give your best to the reason of the celebration. Let Jesus feel appreciated!


Daniel @ Jo said...

Guess who?
This's Daniel Joseph Tay from SMKTS CF, a.k.a. Jojo.

I honestly like your post VERY much... Very inspirational, and something I'd look forward to a lot..

Keep up the good work..
Though you may not know me, keep in mind, I'M NOT STALKING YOU.

Bye.. GBU

Chow Xin said...

Thank you, Daniel. By the way, I know who you are.